The Truth of Washington’s Teeth
January 21, 2025
At the dawn of the United States, before modern dentistry had evolved, tooth pain could reach historic levels. Nearly every U.S. schoolchild has heard the story of George Washington and his wooden teeth. While the story has gained a level of fiction in the style of tall tales—the false teeth he had were not wooden—the […]
It’s Possible but Rare to Have Extra Teeth
January 14, 2025
Many people are used to the idea of a tooth that feels superfluous. As we enter adulthood, our wisdom teeth come in, & a good chunk of us can’t fit them into our bite, leading to these molars being pulled. But some people experience an even greater abundance of teeth called supernumerary teeth, which are […]
Teeth Tell the Story of Humanity
January 7, 2025
While they no longer help form words, ancient people’s teeth can still tell us a lot about our shared history. Through preserved teeth, anthropologists & other scientists have been able to tell how we lived, who we were & what we ate. Teeth that survive the test of time illuminate a world long past.
Cleaning Your Mouthguard
December 31, 2024
Whether you have a sports mouthguard to protect your teeth while you play sports or a night guard to prevent you from grinding your teeth at night, you probably have a few questions about how you should take care of your mouthguard. That’s why we’re here to explain some of the best practices when it comes to your mouthguard.
Foods That Are Good for Your Teeth
December 24, 2024
We hear a lot about what foods are bad for our teeth, but there are actually lots of foods that contain minerals & vitamins that are good for your teeth. Unsurprisingly, foods that are good for your teeth are also good for your overall health!
How Long Should You Keep Wearing Your Retainer?
December 17, 2024
More and more people are getting braces to straighten their smiles, but there’s more to improving your teeth than just braces—you’ll need to wear a retainer afterward. Your orthodontist gives you instructions to wear it for a few months, but what about after that?
What Does It Mean to Be a Dental Hygienist?
December 10, 2024
When you go to the dentist, you interact with a lot of different people in the office, but you’ll probably end up spending the most time with a dental hygienist. A dental hygienist is the person who cleans & polishes your teeth, applies fluoride treatments, takes x-rays & updates the dentist on your mouth’s condition. Most of us have an idea of the requirements to become a dentist, but what about a hygienist?
How Sensitive Toothpaste Works
December 3, 2024
If you’ve noticed your teeth hurt when you eat hot, cold or sweet foods, you probably have sensitive teeth. Sensitivity can have lots of causes, but no matter what’s creating it, using sensitive toothpaste can help you get back to enjoying the foods & drinks you love!
Easy Tips to Improve Your Oral Health
November 26, 2024
Sometimes it can feel difficult to keep up with your dental health. Here are some easy ways you can improve your oral health!
Alcohol-Based vs. Alcohol-Free Mouthwash
November 19, 2024
When modern mouthwash was first invented, it contained alcohol that stabilized the mixture & helped fight germs & bacteria. Today, some mouthwashes use alternative ingredients in place of alcohol. So what’s the difference?